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New Principal Hiring Process Information & Survey

Dear Lesher families,

Thank you for your hard work as a parent/guardian of a Lesher student, and congratulations on a successful end of the year! We wanted to communicate with you about the process of hiring a new principal to lead Lesher. Here are some important details about the hiring process:

  • The position opens on 5/25 and will remain open for 3 weeks, closing on June 15th. During this time, we will solicit input from staff, families, and students.
  • Building-level interviews will take place on Monday, June 27th.
  • Please complete this survey to give input into the process and to indicate your desire to participate in interviews on June 27th


Take care,

Ali Shore, Director of Human Resources

Scott Nielsen, Assistant Superintendent


Queridas familias,

 Estamos buscando información para la búsqueda de un nuevo director de la Escuela Intermedia Lesher. Complete este formulario antes del jueves 16 de junio de 2022. ¡Gracias!


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