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CMAS Testing

CMAS Spring Testing


How does testing impact my student?

  • CMAS scores help identify a student’s academic needs. It is used for class placement (being put into a support class or graduating from a support class), gifted and talented identification, and readiness for high school classes.
  • Practice! Students will take the SAT in high school, a standardized test used for college admittance. This is often referred to as a high stakes test. CMAS tests are a great, lower stakes way to practice test taking skills.

How does testing impact Lesher?

  • CMAS tests are one measure used to determine the effectiveness of a teacher. 50% of teacher evaluations are based on standardized test growth scores.
  • Our school data, growth and achievement, is posted on the Colorado Department of Education’s website. The state uses the CMAS tests to determine our school staff’s effectiveness, and whether we are a performing school, a needs-improvement school, a priority improvement school, or a turnaround school.


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